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Nominations are open for 2024-2025 OkACTE President Elect. 

To Nominate an OkACTE member or to self-nominate for the 2024-2025 OkACTE President Elect, you must: 

  • Complete the Nomination form

  • Submit a philosophy and goals for OkACTE if elected 

  • Submit 2 high resolution photos 

In the procedures for Nominating the President-elect from the OkACTE bylaws Article VII. Section A.1 it states: A division may nominate a candidate for President-elect, except those divisions having a member originally nominated by that division currently serving in any one of the positions of OkACTE President, Past President, or President-elect. With this, current members in the following divisions are not eligible to apply for this election: Administration (ADM), Agricultural Education (AG), and Trade and Industrial Education (T&I).

All information must be submitted by March 29, 2024.

OkACTE President-elect Policies

1. The President-elect shall serve for a period of one year prior to assuming the duties of President. The President-elect shall be a member of the CareerTechAdministrative Council (CTAC) and CTAC Executive Committee and shall perform such duties as directed by the OkACTE Executive Committee.


2. The President-elect shall attend the annual ACTE Convention and serve as a delegate, the ACTE Region IV Conference, ACTE National Policy Seminar and retreats. OkACTE will pay registration, lodging, travel expenses according to per diem when accompanied by a signed travel form and receipts upon approval of theExecutive Director.

3. The President-elect shall attend Summer Conference and is responsible for his/her conference registrations, ACTE dues and divisional expenses. OkACTE will pay travel, lodging and expenses according to per diem when accompanied by a signed travel form and receipts upon approval of the Executive Director. EXCEPTION:OkACTE will pay only expenses incurred above the amount of reimbursement by ODCTE &/or the employer. Receipts shall be provided to the OkACTE office to verify expenses.

4. Expenses incurred by the President-Elect shall not include that of a spouse or guest.(meals, lodging, travel & registrations).

5. The OkACTE will pay mileage according to current IRS rates when a personal vehicle is used. A signed OkACTE travel form must be presented to the OkACTE office for reimbursement with the Executive Director’s approval.

6.Reimbursement checks will be issued monthly when signed travel and expense forms are received and approved by the 1st to ensure payment.

If you have questions about the nomination process or the Policies, please contact Dazsa Carter, or call 405-525-8906. 

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