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Wednesday, April 23rd
9 am | Region IV On-Site Registration Opens
10 am | Industry & Local Tours
10 am – 12pm | Region IV Committee Mtgs.
3pm | Welcome Session & Region IV Business Mtg.
5pm | Region IV Welcome Reception
7pm | Networking Event
Thursday, April 24
7am | Registration Open
7:30 am | Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - 11:50 am | Breakout Sessions
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm | Breakout Sessions
5:00 pm | Awards Banquet Reception
6:00 pm | Awards Banquet
8pm | Networking Event
Friday, April 25
8am | Continental Breakfast
9am | Industry Tours & Workshops
* Schedule is tentative and subject to changes.
Deadline to secure a sponsorship is February 1, 2025.
For Information:
Lorri Carlile | (405)525-8906 |
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