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Our Team.

The foundation for everything we do at OkACTE is our membership; we are member-centered and member-driven. OkACTE has a staff dedicated to providing its 5,000+ members with professional support and advocacy on behalf of the Oklahoma CareerTech system. Your participation as a member allows us to capitalize on unity and an undeniable impact in advocacy. Thank you for being a member and we hope that our service to you is valuable and impactful.

OkACTE Speaker Request Form

OkACTE strives to meet the needs of our membership! We appreciate the opportunity to meet with members and discuss our organization!

Please complete the form below in entirety. Our office will respond quickly to your request and confirm your request.

Please choose a speaker





2801 N. Lincoln Blvd. Ste. 130 Oklahoma City, Ok 73105

Office Hours: 

8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday-Thursday

8:30 am - 12:00 pm, Friday

Staff works remotely Friday, please email 

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