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OkACTE launched the OkACTE Fellowship Program in 2018. The purpose of the Fellowship Program is to:

  • Establish a leadership development program for CTE Educators in OkACTE and assist individuals in further developing their leadership skills in CTE and their involvement in professional associations.
  • Provide an opportunity for CTE Educators to become familiar with and participate in the processes used by policy makers in the development and implementation of laws, regulations, and other public policies at the local, state, and federal levels.
  • Identify, train and motivate a cadre of leaders who will continue to position OkACTE as a leader in developing an educated, prepared, adaptable and competitive workforce.
Program of Work

The Fellowship Program is a one-year commitment from September-August. Each participant will complete the required activities, and submit a final portfolio of their accomplishments to the Fellowship Coordinator.  Final reports are due by August 15.


The portfolio will include the following activities subdivided into three categories: leadership, policy and professional development.

Guidelines, Program of Work and Additional Information

Detailed information can be found in the  OkACTE Fellowship Program Guidelines and Application. Please note that the application can be submitted electronically.

Applications are due May 17 annually.

OkACTE Fellowship Program

OkACTE Fellowship Program

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Don’t wait to be asked…Register and Go!

Region IV is just around the corner and, it is right here in OKC! Conferences and workshops are a great place to share best practices, gain new information and build your network.  We have resourceful and creative professionals working in our CareerTech system. Do not be bashful about sharing the great work you are doing every day. Your knowledge and experience could benefit thousands of students and employees across the state. It is easy to think “it is too time consuming to submit to be a presenter” or “I just can’t give up a day to attend”.  However, it has been my experience that the knowledge and relationships built comes back tenfold. It only takes a few minutes to responds to a “call for presenters” or to register as an attendee.

- Robyn Castleberry, Moore Norman Technology Center

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